Shenandoah GC myth or reality on the production ?
Hi awesome community, Today I would like to share with you so small topic about usage Garbage Collectors in production ( GC Strategies ). At the moment, most popular in Hotspot JVM is G1 GC , after CMS and rising star is Shenandoah GC . So in this topic I will describe how to migrate to Shenandoah GC . If you already on adoptJDK. And please, keep in your mind that small tutorial related to the Java 8 , as my instance is not fully ready for new Java. (But please, be informed in your version Java works better and Shenandoah significantly improved as well.) Let’s start. All, my JDK. JRE used in the located in one place, like /usr/java and use frequently the symbolic links. First of all, I used the latest build from Shipilev’s site builds with shenandoah ( ). wget -c Next step is extract into tar -xvf ope